The Ode, New Frog Bib & Noggin
Yo. This one is dedicated to Andrew's thumb and my finger nails. Yeah, that's right, thumbs and finger nails. You see, Andrew loves to not only point at things (as you have seen in the blog thus far), but also suck his thumb. I am actually fond of it, because it's really cute. I would like to make part of the blog entry an Ode to His Thumb, because it is so cute. Check out the pictures. Now, as some of you already know, I bite my fingernails...still. Whatever, they are groomed and clean. Andrew's got his thumb, I got my nails, we make a great team. Also, I would like to give a "shout out" to the new green froggy bib that catches all of Andrew's food (see pictures below). This bib is genius. When the food morsels are too much for his little mouth to take, the bib curves up to lend the necessary support; it actually catches the food. This bib also reduces waste and helps prevent messes. "New-Green-Froggy-Bib-with-Eyes-Inventor" this blog post is for you. REAL MOMs of GENIOUS….. And finally, I recommend checking out esp. the song about "I hog the ground" under the Jacks Music Show section. It's a sweet and "all-some" song. Andrew and I love to sing it together.
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